The history of Earth Day & greenwashing
This year is the 51st anniversary of the original Earth Day, which to this day is the single largest protest in U.S. history, drawing a crowd of 20 million people around the country.
On our Instagram, we shared a mini history of Earth Day and the grassroots movement that sparked bipartisan legislative victories. While those laws continue to hold corporations accountable and protect natural resources, climate science has become highly politicized. There's even greater urgency today in 2021 than in 1970 for aggressive and collective action to curb the effects of climate change.
Petaluma is committed to being as environmentally-friendly as possible and provide eco-conscious consumers with a sustainable alternative to traditional dog food, which relies almost entirely on factory-farmed animal protein or pesticide-treated monocrops like soy or corn. We're also proud to be a member organization of 1% for the Planet and Climate Neutral, organizations that require annual commitments to quantifying and offsetting environmental impact.
This Earth Day, we're sharing relevant articles used as source material in our social media post. Send us an email at or message us on Instagram (@feedpetaluma) if there are other great reads missing below.
- History of Earth Day
- EPA History
- Smithsonian: How an Oil Spill 50 Years Ago Inspired the First Earth Day
- The Guardian: Origins of the EPA
- NBC: Earth Day at 50: Why the legacy of the 1970s environmental movement is in jeopardy
- Earth911: How to Spot Greenwashing
- USAToday: Once climate change deniers, the agriculture industry positions itself as part of the solution
- MotherJones: Fiji Water Sued for Greenwashing